Even if you can't physically take part in a Kairos retreat, you can still play an important part in ministering to our brothers in white. Consider a donation that will cover the cost of a meal for an attendee. You can also fill out prayer chains or create paper placemats that illustrate Christ's love for all his children.
If you want to learn a little more about what Kairos is, and the impact it has on the lives of the inmates who participate in the retreat, consider attending our closing ceremony.
The next closing ceremony at the Hutchins Unit in Dallas Texas will be on Sunday, August 17, 2025. Click this link to download a "Closing Application"
Bold Title
Believe it or not, cookies are a critical part of the Kairos Prison Ministry. A typical weekend for 42 Brothers in White requires 600 Dozen (that 7,200) cookies. It takes a lot of time and loving hands to make that many cookies. If you have a love for baking and are ready to serve, we need your help.
3 Easy Ways to Serve with Kairos-Hutchins!!
Check out this video!--->>
Lets all join together and get out there to share our testimonies with our friends about how, before our very eyes, God impacted the lives of individuals through this Kairos Prison Ministry. Spread the Word!
Praise Be to God!